On November 1, the New Jersey Society of Professional Engineers and New York State Society of Professional Engineers will be holding a continuing education event called Firestopping Requirements of the New ASTM Firestop Inspection Standards, & the International Building Code. This course has been approved for seven PDHs in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Delaware as well as .7 CEUs from the International Code Council.
Firestopping is a critical area of fire protection in commercial buildings to limit the spread of building fires. This is the reason NYC Department of Buildings changed their new 2014 code to require firestop special inspections utilizing the ASTM firestop inspection standards for all buildings. According to these standards, the inspector shall provide visual and/or destructive testing for a percentage of the firestop systems. The New ASTM firestop inspection standards have proven to be an excellent standard to protect the liability of the special inspection agency and general contractors. To reduce your liability these standards need to be adhered to, so NYSSPE has supported firestop special inspection training for its membership.
With the new firestop inspection standards now being required by the 2014 NYB Building Code, this class will focus on understanding the requirements of sections 714 and 715 of the 2015 IBC along with the ASTM firestop inspection standards. Focusing on joint systems, perimeter containment, through and membrane-penetrations. This program will provide helpful hints for firestop inspection and plan review and we will be reviewing the proper way to inspect per the ASTM inspection standards along with the proper paperwork required.
Seating for this course is extremely limited, so be sure to secure your seat. The cost is $320 for members, $370 for NYSSPE sustaining members, and $420 for nonmembers. To learn more about the Firestopping Requirements of the New ASTM Firestop Inspection Standards, & the International Building Code, click here. If you’d like to register, click here.
On November 14, 2019, NJSPE will be holding a full-day of continuing education, offering six PDH credits for professional engineers in New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania and other states that accept New Jersey or NJSPE accreditedg education programs. The program, being held at WSP, USA/Louis Berger Morristown offices, is $275 for NJSPE members and $325 for non-members until November 8. Below is the full schedule for the day. Check it out and then register to attend!
Accreditation: 1 PDH credit, NJ, PA, & NY
Speakers: K.R. Marshall, PE, Vice President and Senior ITS Manager, WSP USA, Inc.; Kathleen Swindler, PE, PTOE, Senior Traffic/ITS Engineer, WSP USA, Inc.; Jeff Randall, PE, PTOE, ITS Engineering Manager – Northeast Region, WSP USA, Inc.; Brian Reed, MCSE, CCNA, CCNP, CISSP, Manager of Geospatial & Applied Technology and Technical Principal, WSP USA, Inc.
This course will provide an overview of the engineering and design history of connected and automated vehicles (CAV,) the CAV industry and the various technologies being utilized and/or developed. Current pilots and trials ongoing around the world, increasing on-board automation in new vehicles, and some operational systems already in place, will be reviewed.
Accreditation: 2 PDH credits NJ, PA, & NY
Speakers: K.R. Marshall, PE, Vice President and Senior ITS Manager, WSP USA, Inc.; Kathleen Swindler, PE, PTOE, Senior Traffic/ITS Engineer, WSP USA, Inc.; Jeff Randall, PE, PTOE, ITS Engineering Manager – Northeast Region, WSP USA, Inc.; Brian Reed, MCSE, CCNA, CCNP, CISSP, Manager of Geospatial & Applied Technology and Technical Principal, WSP USA, Inc.
This course will provide an in-depth look at the breakthroughs in connected and automated vehicles technologies that are poised to revolutionize local and national transportation systems for decades to come, potentially bringing significant changes to the built environment and how residents live, work and move around their communities. As technology manufacturers, software developers, auto companies, universities and many other professionals continue to imagine and test
these technologies and methods to optimize the nation’s transportation system, agency officials, engineers and planners should have a working knowledge of them to make decisions about future local transportation needs and investments.
Accreditation: 1 PDH credit, NJ, PA & NY
Speakers: K.R. Marshall, PE, Vice President and Senior ITS Manager, WSP USA, Inc. – Facilitator; NJDOT (Invited); PANYNJ – (Invited); NJTA – (Invited)
This course will provide an open discussion with the NJ, NY and PA agencies on the policy and technical issues their agencies are facing with the advent of CAV technology. Current policies and specific initiatives of each agency will be discussed, as well as their respective view of the agency on how their facilities will be impacted.
Accreditation: 2 PDH credits, NJ, PA, & NY
Speakers: Lawrence P. Powers, Esq, Partner, Hoagland, Longo, Moran, Dunst & Doukas, LLP
The overall learning objective is to expose the seminar participants to various engineering related professional and statutory codes of ethics in order to inculcate ethics awareness and an understanding of ethical standards common to all jurisdictions, including those of the participants, so that the participants understand the boundaries of ethical engineering behavior.
Part I – This will be an introduction to common statutory and regulatory ethics rules, wherein the participants will be taught why they exist, how they govern their practice and what the practical implications of unethical behavior can be. Participants will be given examples of common ethics rules and some illustrative case studies to consider, followed by instruction on how violations of such ethics rules are commonly dealt with by the administrative agencies which have jurisdiction over their practice locales.
Part II – This will be an introduction to the National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE) Code of Ethics, wherein the participants will be taught why they exist, how they were developed, how professional codes of ethics can affect their practice and what the practical implications of unethical behavior can be to members of professional engineering societies. Participants will be given examples of common ethics rules and some illustrative case studies to consider, followed by instruction on how violations of such ethics rules are commonly dealt with by NSPE and state engineering societies which have jurisdiction over their practice locales, with a particular emphasis on the similarities and differences between governmental and professional society sanctions.
Part III – This will be a discussion of the practical reasons for ethical practice, with examples of how unethical practice can present professional liability and legal issues, licensure issues and moral issues based upon case studies where unethical practice has resulted in the impairment of the public health, safety and welfare. Participants will be challenged with using their new knowledge to suggest resolutions for hypothetical ethics problems posed by the instructor.
As professional engineers, our work impacts our society in very direct ways. The decisions we make impact the very infrastructure of thousands of people’s everyday life, and that is just through our day job. There are less obvious but equally important ways that we can, and should, be giving back to our communities.
The NSPE Education foundation works with a number of organizations to help provide education and opportunities to students interested in pursuing engineering. These organizations include the MathCounts Foundation, DiscoverE , Real-World Career Experience Exploring® and Project Lead the Way. These programs are all great way for students to learn more about STEM and engineering. The NSPE Education Foundations also offers scholarships to students studying engineering. By supporting them financially, you are supporting the future of professional engineering by making sure kids have exposure to engineering as well as opportunities to pursue it. If you are interested in supporting their work, you can contact your local chapter or one of the organizations the NSPE Education Foundation works with directly.
Engineers Without Borders is an organization that goes to communities in need from around the world and help to meet their basic needs and improve their quality of life. This organization offers a number of different volunteering options, including boots on the ground work as well as consultations on projects and pro bono engineering services to communities that cannot afford to hire engineers.They also offer education to their members and hands on experience to students.They offer a great opportunity to help on a global scale while growing your own skill set.
One of the best ways you can give back to the engineering community is through mentoring. You can reach out to local schools, universities or even to STEM competitions in your area to find out if there are projects or teams you could spend time with and advise. You could also contact local after-school programs to arrange to come in and speak to the students about what it means to be an engineer. By donating your time in this way, you can provide practical examples to students of what engineers can do as well as help to guide their careers.
These are just some examples of how professional engineers can give back to their communities. If you are interested in more opportunities, consider becoming a member of NJSPE. By becoming a member, you help to support the future of professional engineering as well as have the opportunity to participate in one of the NSPE partner programs. Join today!
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