Interest Groups

Over the past few years, NJSPE leadership has recognized that not all members participate in their local chapter. Therefore, it endeavored to refine its structure to allow flexibility and options for those members who wish a different outlet for involvement with the engineering profession and other Professional Engineers or those on the path to become a PE.

In late 2007, the membership approved some major changes in our organizational structure. As a result and to address those members who may wish to participate or form working groups around a specific interest, the NJSPE Board of Directors has adopted a method by which statewide interest groups may be formed. There are some minimum requirements for such formation, but they are easy to achieve and would have the backing and support of the entire NJSPE family.

Such interest groups may relate to employers (e.g. small-to-medium consultancies), areas of technology (e.g. environmental sustainability), social networking (e.g. personal blogging), or promoting careers (e.g. working with students potentially interested in engineering), etc.

The following documents and templates are provided to assist in the formation of new interest groups.

File NameDescription
Operating Procedure 102Procedures on how to form a New Chapter or Interest Group
Templates for Operating LeadershipTemplates to assist a proposed new Entity apply for a Charter
Sample BudgetSample Budget
Operating PlanSample Operating Plan for new Entity to follow
Performance Results LeadershipSample Performance Results to submit after one year of operation
Sample By-laws and ConstitutionSample Bylaws and Constitution to assist new Entity in getting started



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