How NJSPE and You Can Help Protect PE Licenses

In 1907, Wyoming passed a bill that required registration for those who would represent themselves to the public as an engineer and founded a board of examiners for the profession. For a century since then, professional engineering (PE) licenses have been protecting the public’s health and safety.

Today, it is the responsibility of the New Jersey Society of Professional Engineers, their members, and other New Jersey engineers to help protect the PE license. Throughout its existence, PE licensure has symbolized prestige, authority, and flexibility. Much like membership to professional engineering associations such as NJSPE, PE licensure provides a variety of career advancement opportunities. Still not convinced you should care about protecting the PE license? NJSPE put together a list of the top benefits of PE licensure:

  1. Career development opportunities. Engineers with a PE license who are active in professional engineering associations get selected first for jobs. Licensure shows dedication to the profession, leadership, and management skills. To take on more responsibility in engineering, such as being able to submit engineering plans to public authorities for approval, being licensed is necessary.
  2. Enhanced flexibility to take control of your career. Many doors open for professional engineers with a PE license. It offers protection during industry downsizing or outsourcing and enables you to go out on your own. Engineers interested in opening their own firm or becoming a specialist can only do so if they are licensed.
  3. Increased skillset and education. With the advent of new technology, the engineering field is constantly evolving. Maintaining a PE license ensures that New Jersey engineers stay in-the-know with the most updated information, techniques, and processes. With environmental issues in the forefront of the countries consciousness, staying informed about regulations has become particularly important.
  4. Be among the best in your industry. A PE licensure proves to your clients and prospective employers that you are serious about your career and are among the most qualified for any engineering position. Licensure solidifies your place in an elite group of your peers.

Protecting the PE license might not seem important for New Jersey engineers on the surface, but it will have a lasting effect on a young engineer’s career. Becoming a licensed professional in your field shows dedication to hard work, honor, and competency. Licensure has proven to offer career advancement opportunities, increased flexibility, education, and shows to clients and employers you are at the top of the industry. Of course, obtaining a PE license is not the only thing you can do to grow professionally. Check out our article “Advancing Your Career as an Engineer: How Professional Engineering Associations Can Help” for more.

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