Importance of Continuing Education for Professional Engineers

Engineering continuing education courses are required among many societies for professional engineers. In the State of New Jersey, professional engineers are required to complete 24 professional development hours (PDH) and two of those must be in professional practice ethics. NJSPE is committed to providing courses that are pre-approved in and around the tri-state area, so engineers with multiple licenses will be afforded the opportunity to complete and meet the requirements in those states.

Continuing education courses are the best way to meet your requirements and learn something new. The next opportunity for a full-day of continuing education is coming up on April 23, 2018. The day of courses and speakers offers 6.5 PDH credits for professional engineers in New Jersey, and 4.5 PDH for New York, Pennsylvania, and other states that accept New Jersey credits.

Why continue education?

Continuing education goes beyond just meeting PDH requirements. It involves business development, career development, ethics education, and technical skills. Many of these courses come in the form of online seminars, live seminars, conferences, and online courses. As engineering disciplines become more specialized, continuing education becomes more crucial to managing a rising career. Throughout much of our educational lives, it was enough to simply get good grades and get a degree, but in a field like engineering, it’s essential to get ahead. Continuing education courses are available, free and paid, to all New Jersey Society for Professional Engineer members. A list of courses and events can be found on the National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE) website.

You already have a bachelor degree and maybe even a masters, so why is continuing education important?

  • The industry is ever changing.

You would never go to a doctor who isn’t up-to-date on the latest medical practices. The same should go for engineers. Engineering professionals must adapt to new technologies and skills in their fields. As a member of a society for professional engineers, you have available to you the knowledge and skills needed to advance in your career.

  • More skills = increased career opportunities and higher pay.

Your skills and knowledge are what will set you apart from another engineer applying to the same job or trying to score a promotion. Additionally, the more you know in the industry, the more you’re worth.

  • Meet requirements.

To maintain your professional engineering license, you must earn 24 PDH credits. Two PDH credits must be on professional practice ethics. Continuing education is the only way to help you meet those requirements, but you can choose to receive them from conferences, webinars, or in-person courses.

  • More education means more solutions.

Continuing education courses can bring fresh insight and new creative ideas to your engineering projects. Of course, it’s nice to learn a new skill, but you may realize that when combined with other skills, you can achieve greater things. Linking a variety of skills can create unique ideas and solutions.

If you’re still short on PDH credits or you want expand your knowledge and skills, join us for a full day of continuing education on April 23, 2018. Register now before the event fills up:

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