5 Other Engineering Organizations in New Jersey

When most people look for engineering organizations in New Jersey, they usually find the first one that applies to them, and they become a member. Maybe that’s how you became a member of NJSPE or landed on this blog post. However, we aren’t the only state society that promotes, serves, and represents New Jersey’s engineering professionals. There are dozens of engineering organizations – some bigger and some smaller – that aim to advocate for engineers and provide an outlet for networking and education.

While there are many more, here are just a few of the engineering organizations in New Jersey. If you’d like to learn more about each of these organizations, click the heading associated with each one!

New Jersey Society of Municipal Engineers

NJSME strives to improve the practice of municipal engineering in New Jersey via continuing education opportunities, legislative advocacy, and promoting the highest professional standards. They aim to advance the social status and welfare of members by providing them with the tools to succeed. We are very familiar with NJSME, because if you want to be a municipal engineer, you must also be licensed as a professional engineer. There is some overlap with NJSME because some of our municipal engineering members also belong to this organization.

New Jersey Professional Engineers in Construction

Another organization we work closely with, NJPEC is a nonprofit organization that supports our objectives, advances public welfare, and promotes the interests of its members. They operate under our bylaws and constitution as a practice division/interest group, but they have a more central focus on helping those who work as professional engineers in the state’s construction industry.  NJPEC aims to improve the New Jersey’s built environment, benefiting the economy, creating jobs, and ensuring a high quality of life for all citizens.

American Council of Engineering Companies of New Jersey

The ACECNJ advocates for consulting engineers, currently representing 115 firms employing more than 5,500 New Jersey residents. They strive to enhance the business practices of New Jersey’s engineering companies in the areas of planning, design, and construction. Benefits of membership include advocacy, networking, public outreach, media relations, resources, education, awards and scholarships, and political action committees.

American Society of Civil Engineers New Jersey

ASCENJ represents 4,100 civil engineers in New Jersey. They are dedicated to advancing the status of civil engineers as well as the science and profession of civil engineering. ASCENJ aims to help members and the public by advancing technology, developing leadership, advocating for education, and promoting the profession. They maintain chapters in South Jersey, Central Jersey, and North Jersey, but the North serves as the umbrella for all three.

New Jersey Association of Energy Engineers

A state chapter of the Association of Energy Engineers, NJAEE promotes educational interests and opportunities for engineers in the energy industry and provides an unbiased forum for energy-related resources. They focus on utilizing energy efficient technologies, encouraging energy efficient designs, and discovering new energy-related concepts throughout the State of New Jersey. NJAEE benefits engineers, businesses, government officials, and all other end users.

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