Engineering Advocacy Topics you Need to Know

Like most other professions, professional engineers across the country are constantly dealing with legislative changes that may negatively affect how they operate. That is why organizations like NJSPE are so important for protecting and advancing the engineering profession throughout New Jersey. As we get further into 2019, these are the hot topics where engineering advocacy is most important for New Jersey engineers:

  • License: Unfortunately, the professional engineering license is constantly under threat. Recently, certain organizations are trying to pass legislation that would allow anyone to practice any occupation without a license as long as they disclose this information. As you know, this is dangerous and will lead to new complications in the engineering field.
  • Technology: As new technology continues to emerge, there comes new challenges and necessary legislation to maintain ethical practices. We fight to ensure that legislation protects engineers moving forward.
  • Autonomous vehicles: Every day, we get closer to fully autonomous vehicles hitting the roads. That’s why New Jersey recently created an autonomous vehicle engineering task force. NJSPE advocated to secure a spot for a professional engineer on this task force to ensure we protect drivers and pedestrians.
  • STEM education: While this topic is prevalent throughout the country, New Jersey has seen a lot of new developments in education funding. Governor Phil Murphy announced in his budget address that he plans to add $15.4 billion in K-12 aid to eventually achieve fully funded public education.

If you are a professional engineer interested in engineering advocacy and protecting your profession, it’s never been a better time to join NJSPE. We are the only New Jersey organization dedicated to promoting, serving and representing professional engineers for the public’s safety and benefit. Learn more about our membership options and join now here.

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