The cost of obtaining an engineering degree from a four-year university can undoubtedly be overwhelming. Luckily, there are many different avenues you can take to lower your tuition bill. Aside from the financial aid package that you may receive from your school, you could take out student loans, which would put you in debt or you could apply for scholarships – which you wouldn’t have to pay back! Finding legitimate and reputable scholarships is key. Being able to spot a scam will be beneficial and because it’s not always clear, we wanted to help you find the good ones! Here are some resources to help you find engineering scholarships.
The National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE) is probably the best place you could go for legitimate and targeted scholarships. These scholarships are specifically for engineering students. Here, you’ll find scholarships for graduate students, undergraduate students, and even high schoolers who plan to pursue an engineering degree in the future.
Fastweb is a huge resource for college students. Not only can you find targeted scholarships based on your strengths, interests, and skills, but you can also find help with FAFSA and financial aid, college searches, and finding a part-time job. Once you create a profile on Fastweb, the site will automatically match you with hundreds of third-party scholarships, and new ones are added every day. Fastweb’s massive database covers all types of scholarships like Merit-based, high school or college student, minority, state, grade level, and weird scholarships!
See what Fastweb has to offer >>
On, you can search for scholarships by engineering concentration and browse other categories like athletic, minority, degree level, student type, state, and more. The site curates scholarships from reputable companies and organizations like Siemens, NASA, the Society of Women Engineers, the American Society of Naval Engineers, and more.
See what has to offer >>
These are just a few of the top places to find engineering scholarships. Another great place to look for scholarships is at your school. Most universities have resources that will help you find scholarships and will help you with tips on how to apply and how to write your essays for a better chance of winning the scholarship.
If you’re from New Jersey and a current engineering student, NJSPE offers student memberships at no cost! As long as you’re enrolled in an ABET-accredited engineering or pre-engineering program, you are eligible to join NJSPE. Get your career and professional connections started early. Join NJSPE today.