2021 MATHCOUNTS Updates

Do you know a 6, 7, or 8th grader who loves math or possibly needs to improve his or her math skills? Maybe MATHCOUNTS is the answer. MATHCOUNTS has a free National Math Club that gives students an opportunity to play fun math games in a non-competitive social environment. MATHCOUNTS also has a nationwide competition series. All of the competitions through the State level will be online for the 2020-2021 year. This and other changes will expand access to a larger group of potential participants.  

Who can register? Any type of school, of any size, can register—public, private, religious, charter, virtual or home school can register up to 15 students (up from the traditional 10 students). If a mathlete’s school is not planning to register, an individual can register as a non-school competitor. To also expand the fun, four practice competitions and an additional competition level have been added this year.  

Click here to learn more about the National Math Club.

Click here for the Official Rules and Procedures for the MATHCOUNTS Competition Series.

The final day to register is January 15! Click here to register for the Competition Series. 

Registered schools and non-school competitors will have access to the 4 practice competitions on October 15, November 15, December 15, and January 22.  

  • Chapter Competition will be from 1pm (EST) February 5 through 1pm (EST) February 6 
  • Chapter Invitational Competition will be held at 7pm (EST) on February 25 
  • State Competition will be held at 7pm (EST) on March 25.

Online Practice Competitions Information

To prepare for the official competitions, registered schools and NSCs will have access to 4 online practice competitions, comprised of modified, past MATHCOUNTS problems. A practice competition will be released on the Art of Problem Solving (AoPS) Contest Platform on October 15, 2020, November 15, 2020, December 15, 2020, and January 22, 2021. All of a school’s registered competitors (1-15 students), plus up to 50 additional students at the school, will have access to at least the first 3 practice competitions. The practice competitions will include a team round, allowing students from the same school to form teams. 

Selection of chapter competitors, as well as the selection of students given access to the practice competitions, will be made entirely at the discretion of the coach. Any or all of the practice competitions may be used by coaches to determine chapter competitors but are not required. 

Practice competitions are confidential and for use solely by students and coaches at registered Competition Series schools. These competitions must remain confidential and may not be used in outside activities, such as tutoring sessions or enrichment programs with students from other schools.

It is important that the coach looks upon coaching sessions during the academic year as opportunities to develop better math skills in all students, not just in those students who will be competing. Therefore, it is suggested that the coach postpone the selection of competitors until just prior to the Chapter Competition, but no later than January 15, 2021.

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