World Engineering Day 2022

March 4th 2022

We celebrated Engineers Week 2022 from February 20th to the 26th! So what is World Engineering Day?

There are many countries who celebrate their own engineering week at various times of the year, but DiscoverE launched the first annual “Global Day of the Engineer” in 2016. The goal of the day was to collectively recognize engineers worldwide. Then in 2020, UNESCO and WFEO partnered with DiscoverE and this global celebration was rebranded to World Engineering Day.

World Engineering Day is now celebrated internationally across the globe. The focus of World Engineering Day is to promote engineering as a career and shed light on how engineering has the ability to change the world for the better. It is an opportunity to increase awareness of the great contributions engineers have and continue to make to society. This day is also a platform for engineers to engage with the government, and industry at large, to ask people in positions of power to champion solutions and best practices for sustainable development.

“World Engineering Day is an opportunity to celebrate engineering and its vital role in delivering sustainable developments worldwide, and champion the next generation of innovators”

-Professor Gong Ke, President of the World Federation of Engineering Organizations. (WFEO)

How to Celebrate!

Join in on social media!

  • Use the hashtag #WorldEngineeringDay
    Share a photo or video showing #WhatEngineersDo and encourage friends and colleagues to do the same.
    Recognize the engineer(s) you know and/or work with and their accomplishments!
    Share an engineering project or work that you admire.

Host a World Engineering Day event.

  • Plan a coffee or lunch with a few colleagues or host a larger celebration in-person or virtually.

Help Build a Student’s STEM Identity

  • Leading open-ended STEM activities is a great way to engage students in the engineering design process.
    Anyone can be a role model: women, men, engineers, technicians, educators, and parents. Our role models are diverse. But they have one thing in common—the understanding that role models can inspire girls and boys from all communities and backgrounds and grow their interest and appreciation of STEM.

Learn more World Engineering Day 2022 here and here!


Information gathered from World Engineering Day. DiscoverE. (2022, March 1). Retrieved March 3, 2022, from

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