Continuing Education Webinar Opportunities

The New Jersey Society of Professional Engineers is currently offering several education opportunities PEs in and around the tristate area, catering to the different state requirements and licenses. Here are just a few of our current opportunities, complying with requirements for continuing education for license renewal for professional engineers, as outlined by The State Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors. For a full list of ALL current continuing education opportunities, click here.

Professional Ethics 101 (2 PDH)
This course exposes the seminar participants to various engineering related professional and statutory codes of ethics to indoctrinate ethics awareness and an understanding of ethical standards common to all jurisdictions, including those of the participants, so that the participants understand the boundaries of ethical engineering behavior. Over several sections, PE’s will be introduced to the following:

  • Common statutory and regulatory ethics rules
  • National Society of Professional Engineers Code of Ethics
  • Illustrative case studies to consider, with emphasis on the similarities and difference between governmental and professional society sanctions
  • The practicality of ethics
  • How unethical practice presents issues in professional liability, legal, licensure, moral and public health, safety and welfare issues.

How the Towers Fell, Lessons Learned from the 1993 and 9/11 Attacks (3 PDH)

This course examines the damage to lower Manhattan and the severe economic impact that the tragic event had on the community. It will build upon the information presented on the 1993 Bombing and the 9/11 attacks, and recommended improvements in building codes. Some discussion to expect:
How and why the WTC Complex and PATH Station were first constructed
The existing “New Jersey Tubes” the WTC Complex and PATH Station replaced
The details of the 1993 WTC bombing damage, including investigations and recovery

  • Lessons learned on improving security and emergency response at the WTC complex that was a factor during the 9/11 attack.
  • How the Twin Towers and Seven WTC collapsed, with an in-depth description of the site damage.
  • Temporary shoring, flood protection, and site cleanup from the 9/11 attacks followed by the construction of the Temporary PATH Station,
  • Reconstruction to the PATH tunnels and Exchange Place Station in NJ. It will cover recommended improvements in building codes.

Drones in Engineering (1PDH)

This course will review the ways drones are being used in the construction industry, mainly in the engineering and surveying fields. This course will show examples of how drones are being utilized in various different situations to assist Engineers. You will learn:

  • The safety benefits of using drones in compromising health situations
  • The legal requirements for use of droneApplications and benefits of drones for specific Engineers needs
  • What the future can hold for drone technology in the engineering field

Traffic Control Devices and Traffic Engineering Studies Overview (1PDH)

This course will provide a general overview of the use and application of regulatory and warning signs, pavement marking, and traffic signals. In addition, the course will include:

  • A discussion of common traffic engineering studies used to establish speed limits and determine parameters for traffic control devices and roadway geometric features.
  • An overview of roundabouts, including design features, their application and advantages of using roundabouts over other
  • conventional intersection treatments.
  • Hands-on exercises to reinforce concepts

We want to hear from you!

NJSPE is looking for suggestions for educational opportunities to add to our catalogue. If you are interested in partnering with NJSPE for an educational session, please contact the NJSPE office and ask for Joanne Lombardi.
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