Offering 3 PDH credits for NJ Professional Engineers and PE’s in other states that accept NJSPE accredited programs.
FRIDAY, May 21, 2021!
9AM – 12 NOON
NJSPE Member Rate – $69
Non-Member Rate – $138
Course Title: How the Towers Fell, Lessons Learned from the 1993 and 9/11 Attacks
Speaker: Joseph M. Englot, PE.
Accreditation: 3 NJ PDH credits
Presentation to the New Jersey Society of Professional Engineers
To understand “How the Towers Fell” we first need to examine how and why the WTC Complex and PATH Station were first constructed, the existing “New Jersey Tubes” they replaced, the details of the 1993 WTC bombing damage, the forensic Investigation by ATF & FBI, the recovery and repair effort, and the lessons learned on improving security and emergency response at the WTC complex that was a factor during the 9-11 attack. This will be followed by a description of evacuation of the WTC complex after the first plane hit the towers, and how the Twin Towers and Seven WTC collapsed with a first-hand in-depth description of the site damage.
We will examine the damage to lower Manhattan and the severe economic impact that the tragic event had on the community and will build upon the information presented on the 1993 Bombing and the 9/11 attacks. It will also cover, temporary shoring, flood protection, and site cleanup from the 9- 11 attacks followed by the construction of the Temporary PATH Station, reconstruction, repairs to the PATH tunnels and Exchange Place Station in NJ. It will cover recommended improvements in building codes. It will foster discussion about whether a standard high-rise tower could have survived the 1993 Bombing and why the Twin Towers and 7 World Trade Center all remained stable for different time periods only to collapse later in a manner resembling controlled demolition.
REGISTRATION INCLUDES: Zoom Webinar with moderator. Participants will be sent the webinar link several days before so they can log on and be sure they are compatible.