Thursday, June 27, 2019
6:30-8:30 PM
Mercer Oaks Golf Club
725 Village Road West
West Windsor, New Jersey
First 20 registered spouses attend for free compliments of ANS Consultants
Paul E. Pogorzelski, PE, PP, CME
Outstanding Professional Engineer Award
Mark J. Rohmeyer, PE
Outstanding Young PE/EIT Award
Tickets at $85 per person (includes open bar and food)
Place an ad in the commemorative book:
Please send electronic copy/artwork to NJSPE to by June 1,2019 For questions, please contact Laura Slomka at
$500 Awards Dinner Sponsor
Sponsor entitled to one ticket to the reception, acknowledgment in the Commemorative Book and acknowledgment on the NJSPE Website.
Chapter Events
Ocean County Chapter