Continuing Education

NJSPE CONT ED for webAttention NJSPE members: The following is a memo from the State Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors referencing the newly enacted requirements for continuing education for license renewal for PE’s.  We will continue to update you as more information is made available. In the meantime NJSPE is in creating a catalogue of educational offerings that will include both in person, electronic, and in office courses.  We will be providing this information to you within the next few months and well in advance of any necessary requirements.  Additionally, NJSPE is committed to providing courses that will be pre approved in and around the Tri State area so that those with multiple license will be afforded the opportunity to complete and meet the requirements in those states.  We are also looking for suggestions for qualified educational opportunities to add to our existing catalogue of offerings. If you are interested in partnering with NJSPE to offer an educational session, please contact the NJSPE office and ask for Joanne Lombardi.

  • – The project provides prospective and current students a comprehensive resource for all of the information they need to make smart decisions about their education and prepare them for their career as an engineer. The site provides information about engineering programs that are available, and also offers an array of online resources such as licensure tips, scholarships, and specializations.
  • Pennsylvania Professional Engineers – Continuing Education Opportunities

CE Webinar Opportunities

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